Over the coming years, The HIVE will transform this city block into Kamloops’ premier business district that will be home to a variety of industry leaders and will become the focal point of a vibrant downtown.
Just steps from The Delta Marriott Hotel and Centrepoint, downtown’s top meeting facility, The Hive’s prime downtown location is in the heart of Kamloops’ best culinary, entertainment, arts and recreation amenities.
For more and for pre-sale, pre-lease information head to https://thehivekamloops.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwsLWDBhCmARIsAPSL3_18Jr-WmO5FYytzKvnNzYXfL3JWHEOA65p4x7XqwlIyvwZqKfcEYtIaAkVEEALw_wcB